The University’s Quality Assurance Policy

Quality assurance goes hand-in-hand with commitment to the University’s mission, so as to ensure that the quality of education, research activity and training, and the support services provided are under continuous review and that the standards set are appropriate and being met. The University’s quality assurance policy is thus part of its strategic plan.  

The quality assurance policy is the guiding document which sets the operating principles of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), the principles for the continuous improvement of the Institution, as well as the Institution’s obligation for public accountability. It supports the development of quality culture, according to which, all internal stakeholders assume responsibility for quality and engage in quality assurance. This policy has a formal status and is publicly available. 
The policy for quality is implemented through: 
•    the commitment for compliance with the laws and regulations that govern the Institution; 
•    the establishment, review, redesign and redefinition of quality assurance objectives, that are fully in line with the institutional strategy.
This policy mainly supports: 
•    the organisation of the internal quality assurance system; 
•    the Institution’s leadership, departments and other organisational units, individual staff members and students to take on their responsibilities in quality assurance; 
•    the integrity of academic principles and ethics, guarding against discriminations, and encouragement of external stakeholders to be involved in quality assurance; 
•    the continuous improvement of learning and teaching, research and innovation; 
•    the quality assurance of the programmes and their alignment with the relevant HQA Standards; 
•    the effective organisation of services and the development and maintenance of infrastructure; 
•    the allocation and effective management of the necessary resources for the operation of the Institution; 
•    the development and rational allocation of human resources. 
The way in which this policy is designed, approved, implemented, monitored and revised constitutes one of the processes of the internal quality assurance system.

The University of Crete Quality Assurance Policy (pdf) was approved at the 396th meeting of the Senate on 1-11-2018 (pdf) [full texts available in Greek].