International Rankings

The University of Crete started systematically participating in international university rankings in 2010, and now participates in all major rankings powered by Times Higher Education (THE), QS, Clarivate Analytics, Shanghai-GRUP and U-Multirank.

The University participates in international rankings both to promote the institution’s visibility nationally and globally and also to complement internal quality assurance processes. 

The University’s QAU Secretariat monitors developments in world university rankings and

  • reviews characteristics of the various rankings and developments in the typologies and KPIs that reflect general trends in EC policies impacting on HEIs and other RPOs;
  • reviews the inter-relationship between  key performance indicators (KPIs) used by the ranking agencies with the targets and KPIs used in the University’s IQAS;
  • collates and submits institutional data to selected ranking agencies;
  • analyzes and benchmarks ranking results for internal review.

There are significant variations between ranking agencies’ methodologies and inclusion criteria related to their target audiences and business models. As there is no single ‘gold standard’, these differences can give rise to variation in the results for the same University in different league tables.  

The University’s presence in nearly all the major rankings as a research-intensive HEI is published on the UoC website and, where appropriate, on the Department websites.